This week in numbers
May 27, 2016
It's been a busy week, here at Plantpassion, so i thought i'd give you an idea in numbers of what i've been up to.
9 Varieties of Allium Flowering on the field
Here's 5 of them, Allium Christophii, Allium Purple Sensation, Allium Cowanii, Allium Atropurpureum and Allium Mount Everest, There's also Allium Roseum, Allium Purple King, Allium Nigrum, and Nectaroscordum Bulgarium (Used to be Allium Sicilium)
1844 Holes burnt in Landscape matting , and 1550 Sunflower seeds directly planted into the holes (and 600 more Sunflower seeds ordered to fill the gaps!)
(Have a look on my Facebook feed to see the video of the great device Ashley made me to burn the holes)
9 Florists orders that have gone out of the door, I only managed to snap a picture of Alison's booty in the back of her car, collecting for lovely posies in Peaslake and Caroline at Cherfold Cottage . Thank you to Jay Archer, for trying very hard to buy everything on the field (but purple Alliums aren't wedding flowers, I know!)
6 posies or bouquets, collected or delivered to local clients. Here's a selection
4 Volunteers, who've come and helped me, and learned more about flower growing, - thanks Penny, Jenny, Emma and Heidi, 1 member of staff who's potted up 360 Dahlias in the last few weeks - thanks Jennifer. 2 Family members (this week) who are very good at mowing
1 wedding, with 4 bridesmaid bouquets, A brides bouquet and lots of buttonholes and corsages made
Obviously i can't show you this one until after the wedding, so here's the ingredients for one of the bouquets
20 Florists confirmed on our British Flowers Week Workshop (now sold out)
1 Charity (GUTS) supported with a fundraising private tour of the field, and feedback greatly appreciated
1 border planted with herbs for an East Horsley Client
250 miles, the distance my flowers traveled for a photo shoot on Tuesday. Many Thanks to Vanessa Birley Florals, Emma Davies Photo, and Fiona at Firenza Florals, for making them look so good on a Yorkshire back drop
(Photo credit Vanessa Birley)
3 fresh deliveries of flowers needed for the local shop this week, - there are Ranunculus and Mixed bunches there now for the weekend
And one tired but Happy Flower Farmer, who's had a record ever week, and still has flowers to sell. So let me know if you'd like some for this weekend!