3 years at the allotment
September 11, 2014
I've been a bit quiet on this blog recently about my allotment. it's 3 years since we got our plot of land with a bit of a fanfare because it was the 1000th NT plot .
That doesn't mean we havn't been doing anything, - although if I'm being honest, we've not spent as much time as i'd like, because i've been busy creating a flower farm.
This allotment is hopefully a long term thing for us, - We look on enviously at the newly retired people who can tend their plots each day, - and by the time we get down there, after work or on a weekend afternoon, we're often the only ones at the plot (except for the wildlife).
Over the last couple of weeks, we've worked at edging the allotment with wood to keep out the encroaching grass paths, and laid some black matting down between our no dig beds, so that the weeding of those will be minimal.
Even though we've only been visiting for 1/2 hour at a time, there have been some successes this year, - The kale is the best i've ever grown, and even William will eat it, We're on our 3rd set of potatoes, - and they've been tasty. The fruit has been amazing, - the first Plum & Strawberry jam has been made, and summer pudding with custard was devoured, - we even had 1 meal of asparagus at the beginning of the year.
If the blight can hold off for a couple more weeks, i'll have plenty of ripe tomatoes, and at the 3rd attempt I managed to get the Sweet peas to grow. - Here they are flowering their socks off after all my Hill top farm ones have finished long ago. I don't think my pumpkins will be winning any prizes at the Horsley Garden Society show on Saturday the 20th, but i'll have a few things to enter. - Here's to the next 3 years, and lots of allotment meals.