Garden Bloggers Bloom Day April 2013
April 15, 2013
I reckon my garden is about 2-3 weeks behind this time last year, - but with the sun over the weekend, there are at least now flowers showing, and there is scent from lots of Hyacinths, that i've been adding.
The Euphorbia Robbaie and Hyacinth combination is shamelessly plagerised from a suggestion in Sarah Raven's Bold and brilliant Book, - Excellent for in the dry shade of my Evergreen Magnolia.
The Primulas are doing brilliantly, and are now spreading them selves round my garden, - including in the lawn, which hasn't yet been mowed this season (to be added to the list for an evening this week), the blue behind it is Brunnera Jack frost, which I love as an early flower, and a summer foliage.
The Hyacinth and Daffodil combo i'm not sure about, but they do add a splash of colour to the kitchen. This Purple Hyacinth is Woodstock.
- Additional, - i've now tried it with White Leucojum and Scented narssisus, and I much prefer it.